Martin Ålund Chemistry
With texts by Anders Olofsson, Celia Prado, Jakob Staberg and Martin Ålund
THE STARTING POINT of this book is the painting suite Chemistry by the Swedish artist Martin Ålund. The suite was exhibited for the first time in its entirety in 2015, at Konstnärshuset (The Artist's House) in Stockholm, and curated by Celia Prado. Chemistry deals with, among other things, the chemistry of the painting itself and its components, the chemistry that emerges between the different works, the personal chemistry in encounters among individuals, the inner chemistry of sensibilty and reflection, and the chemistry that emerges through the work process. The book features texts by Anders Olofsson, Celia Prado, Jakob Staberg and Martin Ålund. The texts have come about in close dialogue between the writers with a focus on the paintings. The book has been exclusively designed by Bedow.
Since receiving his MFA from the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm in 1991, Martin Ålund has exhibited frequently both in Sweden and internationally. Among his recent exhibitions include solo shows at Peter Bergman Gallery and the Royal Academy of Art in Stockholm.
Anders Olofsson, Writer and Editor of Konstperspektiv and Konsten.net / Celia Prado, Curator and Artistic director at Swedish Artists Association (SKF), Konstnärshuset, Stockholm / Jakob Staberg, Psychoanalyst and Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Aesthetics, Södertörn University
Detail: Chemistry I:I | Martin Ålund
* 47 colour images of works from the painterly suite Chemistry by Martin Ålund
* Exclusive texts by writers from different but complementary disciplines
* A presentation and an investigation of painting, text and graphic design in relation to the term Chemistry
Paintings by Martin Ålund
Text: Painting as a Lens (Med måleriet som lins) by Anders Olofsson
Text: The Surface and the Image: The Truth of Painting (Ytan och bilden: måleriets sanning) by Jakob Staberg
Text: From Salt (Ur Salt) by Celia Prado
Text: Notes on My Painting (Anteckningar om mitt måleri) by Martin Ålund
Graphic Design: Bedow
Language: English & Swedish
Extent: 92 pages
Size: 230×290 mm
Illustrations: 58 colour
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: 600 copies
Publication year: 2015
Price: 34,95 EUR
ISBN: 978-91-637-7549-9
Distribution by Konst-ig Books, Åsögatan 124, 116 24 Stockholm Sweden
+46 (0)8 20 45 20